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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: The Creative Brain
Project manager: Mary Costello
School: McCall
Curriculum: Music
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: Our goal is to attend the Learning and the Brain Conference: “The Creative Brain – Using Brain Research on Creativity and the Arts to Improve Learning”. This conference will explore the latest research and concepts relating to the study of music and its effects on learning and the brain as a whole. Workshops will focus on developing creativity in our students through integration of the arts, improving learning and achievement beyond the music classroom. We will gain knowledge in a variety of areas, among them: brain research into the connections among music, language and reading; using the arts to improve math, cognition, learning and mood; and methods to use brain research and the arts in instruction and intervention.
Part III: Grant Amount
Tuition: $2,375.00
Travel: $2,500.00
Personnel: $0.00
Other costs: $0.00
Total costs: $4,875.00

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professional development grant