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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: VO Apple PD Grant Proposal
Project manager: Grant Smith and Lynne Peledge
School: Vinson-Owen
Curriculum: Other
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: On behalf of the Vinson Owen staff, we are requesting $4,500 for a proposed two-day hands-on workshop hosted by Apple, Inc. The workshop would benefit future acquisition of multiple Ipads per classroom. The plan would be to involve ITS staff from across the district, so the benefit of this training is for the district. In addition, we would have one teacher from each grade level from VO, plus representative SPED, specialists, and reading teachers. A total of 20 staff members would be trained (based on what is allowed by Apple for each training session). The hope would be that VO would serve as a model for the district and influence direction of technology for other schools. The first day of this workshop would give teachers a hands-on opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Ipads basic educational devices to enhance their current practices. It will allow teachers to explore apps that can be used for every subject area. The second day would focus on creative ways to integrate the particular Apple features designed specifically for educational settings aligning with the Common Core standards. This will allow teachers to enhance their curriculum, increase student engagement, and better prepare our students for 21st century skill learning. As the Apple workshop is led by former educators, we feel confident this will keep our workshop focused solely on how these Apple products and tools can enhance our classrooms in this way.
Part III: Grant Amount
Tuition: $0.00
Travel: $0.00
Personnel: $4,500.00
Other costs: $0.00
Total costs: $4,500.00

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professional development grant