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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: Let’s Hear It In Preschool: Sound Field Amplification for Presch
Project manager: Cindy Harrington M.S., CCC-SLP
School: Lynch
Curriculum: Special education
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: Poor classroom acoustics (background noise, echoes, reverberation) can compromise student learning. We aim to address this by equipping each preschool classroom with a sound field amplification (SFA) system for use during whole group activities. A review of current literature documents the positive correlation between increasing the signal to noise ratio in classrooms and student achievement. Short term benefits include an easier time detecting, processing and comprehending verbally presented curricular information and increased instructional success for our town’s youngest learners. Long term benefits include an increase in student access to the preschool curriculum and a decrease in the daily vocal strain experienced by teachers. A crucial component of this project will be the organization of an in-service training for classroom teachers and preschool support staff on the benefits and use of the sound field amplification. Training can also be offered to parents interested in familiarizing themselves with the benefits of SFA. Implementation of this project will allow us to use research based technology to improve classroom acoustics and, in turn, student learning experiences. Project success will be evaluated by teacher survey. SFA systems are currently in use at Lynch Elementary School and McCall Middle School.
Part III: Grant Amount
Supplies: $0.00
Equipment: $5,676.00
Personnel: $0.00
Total costs: $5,676.00

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education grant