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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: Psychology-Math Coaching
Project manager: Matt Taylor
School: McCall
Curriculum: Mathematics
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: This is a joint project between McCall’s psychologist, Lori King, and math coach, Matt Taylor. The two of us deal with the highest risk students here at McCall. We view this grant as an opportunity to engage and support the high risk students through technology in ways that we are not able to do without it. For Lori, the Ipad offers many social skills apps and ways to collect data to better develop and adjust behavior plans. For myself, there are endless amounts of basic skills apps, current curriculum support apps, and also apps that allow more interactive and engaged learning. There are many programs and websites that help the students manipulate and visualize examples that would normally be abstract and would give them difficulties.
Part III: Grant Amount
Supplies: $0.00
Equipment: $4,800.00
Personnel: $0.00
Total costs: $4,800.00

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education grant