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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: Project Zero Classroom
Project manager: Sue Costello
School: Lincoln
Curriculum: Art
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: I, (Susan Costello) would like to attend the esteemed professional development program, Project Zero Classroom at Harvard. Open to only 325 educators worldwide this is an exclusive annual course for one week (Summer of 2009) at Harvard's Graduate School of Education. The Project Zero Institute emphasizes enduring questions about best practices in teaching, learning, assessment and creativity: "The Project Zero Classroom (PZC) institute is designed to help educators create classrooms, instructional materials, and out-of- school learning environments that promote students' efforts to understand important content; recognize and develop students' multiple intellectual strengths; encourage students to think critically and creatively; and assess student work in ways that further the learning"...Project Zero Classroom Team.
Part III: Grant Amount
Tuition: $2,000.00
Travel: $0.00
Personnel: $0.00
Other costs: $0.00
Total costs: $2,000.00

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professional development grant