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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: Let's Play! Core Language Signs for Winchester Playgrounds
Project manager: Cindy Harrington
School: CHOOSE
Curriculum: Special education
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: We seek to equip several playgrounds located at WPS schools with large, symbol based CORE language communication signs. This will provide children who are unable to communicate their needs through traditional speech with a way to express themselves in a space that can be difficult to tote around an augmented alternative communication (AAC) device. In addition, this low-tech AAC option will allow parents, teachers, teaching assistants, and specialists to point to the picture symbols on the sign to reinforce presented directions and to model how to use language while students are engaged in highly motivating playground play! Project success will be evaluated by parent, teacher, teaching assistant, and/or student survey.
Part III: Grant Amount
Supplies: $8,640.00
Equipment: $1.00
Personnel: $1.00
Total costs: $8,642.00

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education grant