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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: Authorfest 2012
Project manager: Community Schools Association
School: Multiple
Curriculum: Reading writing
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: For the past eighteen years, Authorfest has been a well-respected and highly anticipated tradition in the Winchester schools. From its origins as an elementary school event, it was later expanded to the middle school, and through a grant from WFEE was eventually made available to the high school in 2003. Through this program, dozens of nationally recognized published authors/illustrators have visited Winchester's schools over the years. For Authorfest 2012, it is planned that approximately eighteen authors/illustrators will visit Winchester's elementary schools, three will visit McCall Middle School and one will visit Winchester High School. Throughout the day, students will learn about the process of writing and illustrating as the authors/illustrators describe their personal experiences finding inspiration, creating and revising their work, and getting published. At the end of the regular school day, the authors/illustrators will gather at the Town Hall for a book sale and signing, allowing further opportunities for students, parents, and other members of the community to interact with any of the authors/illustrators participating in Authorfest.
Part III: Grant Amount
Supplies: $960.00
Equipment: $0.00
Personnel: $18,700.00
Total costs: $7,500.00

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education grant