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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: Kids on the Block Autism Curriculum & Puppets
Project manager: Disability Access Commission, Jean Batty, Chair
School: Multiple
Curriculum: Other
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: "Autistic? Wow!", exclaims 14 year old Joanne Spinoza when told about her neighbor, David Franklin's condition. "Is he a painter, a musician, or what?" Joanne has confused the words "autistic" and "artistic" and this is only one of the several misconceptions addressed in this program on autism. Through David, who is a fifteen year old boy with autism, his brother Eddy, and their friend, Joanne, children learn that David is a regular member of the Franklin family. In developing this program with the New Jersey Department of Developmental Disabilities, The Kids on the Block conferred with experts on the staff of the sponsoring agency, with educators and parents, and met with children with autism and their brothers and sisters. The package consists of large hand-crafted puppets, three scripts, props and follow-up activities and resources to form a comprehensive curriculum on the topic. The program features DAVID FRANKLIN and his brother EDDY FRANKLIN who together depict what it is like to have a family member who is autistic. Script material covers specific issues such as behavior modification and reinforcement, temper tantrums, extinguishing inappropriate behaviors, myths and misconceptions about autism as well as employment possibilities and independent living for a person who has autism. (end 200 words) Winchester’s Disability Access Commission proposes the purchase of autism specific puppets and curriculum to add to the districts’ current investment in the “Kids on the Block” disability educational materials. The intent is to provide education to help aide the inclusion of children with autism, and other disabilities, within the school district and larger Winchester community. (Source:
Part III: Grant Amount
Supplies: $300.00
Equipment: $2,350.00
Personnel: $0.00
Total costs: $2,650.00

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education grant