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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: National Science Teachers Association Conference Spring 2008
Project manager: Linda Pickering
School: McCall
Curriculum: Science
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: The conference, seminars, and workshops integrate the following curriculum strands: Literacy and Science Instruction, Science Asssessment, Technology, The Wetlands, Coastal Processes, and River Systems. There are Shell Seminars, NSTA Symposia, and Teacher Researcher Day to broaden our understanding of science as a content area while exploring a variety of teaching methodologies that are unique to science. The grant allows 3 teachers to attend the conference.
Part III: Grant Amount
Tuition: $3,600.00
Travel: $0.00
Personnel: $0.00
Other costs: $0.00
Total costs: $3,600.00

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professional development grant