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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: Teaching Reading in Small Groups
Project manager: Ella MacLeod
School: Lincoln
Curriculum: Reading writing
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: As educators, literacy instruction is one of our most important responsibilities. This course will support all 16 of us in becoming well-versed in assessment lenses and tools, targeting what instruction each student needs and form groups accordingly, understanding small-group structures to support engagement, fluency, comprehension, print work, and conversation skills, and finally, practicing a scheduling technique to ensure ongoing assessment. We will focus on how to teach small groups of readers to meet increasing demands and challenges, while continuing to instill the joy and love of literature. Working collaboratively and across grade levels, we will begin to think beyond guided reading and learn to analyze student data in order to form small groups and discover a new repertoire for helping readers find increased skill and independence.
Part III: Grant Amount
Tuition: $3,383.00
Travel: $0.00
Personnel: $0.00
Other costs: $1,972.64
Total costs: $5,355.64

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professional development grant