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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: Art Partnerships in the Geography and English Classrooms
Project manager: Erika Guckenberger
School: McCall
Curriculum: Social studies
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: We are proposing that the seventh grade Olympian students receive the necessary funding to participate in the ArtLink Plus program run by Creative Connections, an organization headquartered in Norwalk, Connecticut. The ArtLink program matches classrooms in the United States with classrooms in dozens of other countries. The participating students exchange culturally-revealing artwork they have created pertaining to some universal theme (for example, last year's theme was water). They also exchange letters with each other, and take part in activities to learn about the cultural traditions of their partners. To finalize the year-long project, the ArtLink staff will come into the classroom and conduct a videoconference between the American and international schools. We envision conducting this art partnership as an interdisciplinary social studies and English endeavor. Over the course of the year in both subjects, the students will learn about the physical and human geography of their partner countries, create artwork to exchange with their partner classes, and prepare well-written letters to communicate with them. We anticipate that, through participation in this program, our students will discover certain interests, dreams and goals that they share in common with their international partners, as well as intriguing cultural differences.
Part III: Grant Amount
Supplies: $3,900.00
Equipment: $0.00
Personnel: $0.00
Total costs: $3,900.00

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education grant