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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: Sign Language Support Program
Project manager: Elaine Kakambouras, M.Ed
School: Lynch
Curriculum: Special education
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: Winchester Preschool, located in the Lynch Elementary School consists of six programs for children ranging in ages three to five. Each classroom team includes an Early Childhood Special Educator, Speech and Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, School Psychologist, School to Home Liaison, Behaviorist, Nurse, and Teacher Assistants. This Sign Language Support Program will provide teachers, teacher assistants, and team members with the knowledge and training necessary to incorporate the use of sign language as a teaching tool at the preschool level. This program will benefit all preschool students but will especially support some of our most needy students in enhancing language development and communication skills. It will allow all of our preschool students to experience the joy of signing as it relates to the significance of language acquisition, and developmentally appropriate pre-academic and social skills. Workshops conducted by an outside consultant who specializes in sign language will teach students, teachers, and staff members, curriculum related signs through song, music and movement, and finger plays. Workshops will take place within each of the six preschool classrooms during the regular school day with teachers and students learning alongside one another.
Part III: Grant Amount
Supplies: $0.00
Equipment: $0.00
Personnel: $2,880.00
Total costs: $2,880.00

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education grant