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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: "Every Little Thing Is Going To Be Alright"
Project manager: Irene Diamond
School: Muraco
Curriculum: Other
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: We are seeking to bring a Wellness Professional Development Workshop series to Muraco School in the form of in a Yoga Instructor who would teach interested staff (we have at least 30 staff members who have expressed interest)during a series of after-school workshops. Instruction would incorporate Mindfulness, Meditation and Yoga Techniques for use in the classroom environment. This idea came about when a parent asked if she could fund her son's Yoga Instructor to come to the first grade class. This parent recognized the significant change in her child following his Yoga classes, and wanted to have his teacher learn the strategies that have been so successful with him. The students were completely captivated by this presentation, and even within the one hour classroom session, students and teachers walked away feeling that they were in control of their own feelings and body. The stress level of the students was visibly reduced as they closed the session by singing "Don't worry about a thing,'cause every little thing is going to be alright". As educators we fully recognize that our elementary school students have greater demands and regulations regarding their curriculum than ever before. An alarming number of our students present with anxiety in the classroom. Stress and anxiety in children can manifest itself in a number of different ways including withdrawal from academic and social situations, restlessness, preoccupation with worries, peer conflicts, and difficulty staying focused on their schoolwork. Many of our students lack the coping skills needed to effectively manage the stressors in their lives. Teaching Yoga to kids empowers them to take control of their own emotions and handle challenging situations in a more mindful manner. Teaching yoga practices at school can be a great way to gently discuss the challenges students face as we collectively seek to find solutions to problems. We are very excited about the possibility of learning new skills that can immediately be incorporated into our classrooms, therapy sessions, gym classes and interactions with students. This is a natural extension of our current social competency building program (RULER).
Part III: Grant Amount
Supplies: $0.00
Equipment: $450.00
Personnel: $1,000.00
Total costs: $1,450.00

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education grant