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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: What's New In Fifth Grade Seminar
Project manager: Tricia Wallace
School: Lincoln
Curriculum: Other
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: This seminar will present the latest educational trends, resources and strategies to enhance the fifth grade classroom program. It is a comprehensive one day seminar designed specifically for fifth grade teachers. The seminar will review the latest Common Core Standards, how to unpack them and how to incorporate them efficiently and effectively into classroom instruction. It will cover the best educational apps and websites and how to use them in fifth grade. It includes the latest trends in classroom literacy instruction including a preview of the best new children’s books for fifth grade as well as what’s new in fifth grade science and social studies. Best practices in math instruction will be reviewed as well as the latest differentiated instruction strategies. Each participant will leave the seminar with not only a wealth of usable information but also an extensive handbook, complete with model lessons, templates, activities, technology resources and classroom-tested ideas for fifth grade students.
Part III: Grant Amount
Tuition: $852.00
Travel: $157.70
Personnel: $0.00
Other costs: $0.00
Total costs: $1,009.70

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professional development grant