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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: Developing Social Thinking
Project manager: Betsy D'Alelio
School: Lynch
Curriculum: Other
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: Social thinking is required before the development of social skills. Successful social thinkers consider the points of view, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, prior knowledge and intentions of others (this is often called perspective-taking - considering the perspectives of others). This is for most of us an intuitive process. We can determine the meanings behind the messages communicated by others and how to respond to them within milliseconds to three seconds! Social thinking occurs everywhere, throughout the day when we talk with others in discussions within the classroom or on the playground, share work or play space, walk down the halls or streets, even when we read a book, and relate to our pets. While most of us develop our communication skills as we grow up, steadily observing and acquiring social information and learning how to respond to the people around us, many have great difficulties with this process. These difficulties with learning and applying social information is often considered a social learning disability.
Part III: Grant Amount
Tuition: $975.00
Travel: $385.00
Personnel: $0.00
Other costs: $289.00
Total costs: $1,649.00

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professional development grant