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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: Ambrose Vegetable and Herb Garden
Project manager: Anne Pace
School: Ambrose
Curriculum: Science
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: The Ambrose Vegetable and Herb Garden Project (Seed to Plate) is a collaboration with Vittorio Ettore, the chef/owner of Bistro 5 Restaurant in Medford. Mr. Ettore would supervise construction of a fenced-in garden behind the Sanborn House on High Street. Students will construct pots from newspaper, plant seeds, and later in the Spring, transplant the seedlings to the garden. Along with Mr. Ettore and 4th grade teachers, students will assist in garden maintenance, as well as observe and record plant growth and development. The vegetables will be harvested at the end of the summer and the now-5th graders and their families will create dishes from the vegetables they have nurtured and celebrate the harvest with a grade-wide pot-luck supper.
Part III: Grant Amount
Supplies: $7,809.26
Equipment: $1,922.40
Personnel: $0.00
Total costs: $7,000.00

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education grant