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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: TAS Seminar on Creative Writing
Project manager: Judy Hession
School: High School
Curriculum: Reading writing
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: Last summer TAS began its first summer program in La Napoule in the south of France. Twenty-four teachers from across the state spent ten days writing poetry with the poet, Susan Conley. For me, the seminar was a transformative experience: for ten days I was a poet. This summer I would like to attend the creative writing seminar taught by published novelist, Michael Downing of Tufts Unviersity. The grant will also pay for Jennifer Zeuli to attend the seminar.
Part III: Grant Amount
Tuition: $1,800.00
Travel: $0.00
Personnel: $0.00
Other costs: $0.00
Total costs: $1,800.00

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professional development grant