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Part I. Applicant and Project Information
Title of project: Intro to Special Education Workshop
Project manager: Jennifer Johnson
School: Muraco
Curriculum: Techology dept
Part II: Grant proposal
Summary: I plan to attend the Intro to Special Education Workshop The purpose of this workshop is to investigate developmental factors and influences that impact child growth and learning for children with special needs. The workshop will provide candidates with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify those children who have special needs and study the ways and means that may be used to aid these children. Candidates will explore current early identification strategies and techniques as well as Response To Intervention (RTI)/Massachusetts Tiered System of Support (MTSS) procedures used to facilitate struggling learners in the educational setting. State regulations (Chapter 766) and Federal requirements Individual's Disability Education Act (IDEA) will be covered in depth, as well as information about services provided and/or available to students by other agencies. Attention to the needs of diverse populations, such as students living in urban settings will be addressed. Candidates will acquire knowledge of how to use technology and assistive technology with students with special needs and its curriculum implications. This includes Autism and Attention Deficit Disorder (with or without hyperactivity). Candidates will gain an understanding of the educational problems mild, moderate or severe disability impose on a child with special needs and how this applies to the preparation and implementation of the Individual Educational Program (IEP). State and Federal regulations regarding special education eligibility criteria will be reviewed. By interacting in this workshop I will have an amazing opportunity to learn from, and converse with educators in the field of reading and writing.
Part III: Grant Amount
Tuition: $2,000.00
Travel: $0.00
Personnel: $0.00
Other costs: $0.00
Total costs: $2,886.95

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professional development grant