Year: Type: Curriculum: School:   

Year Type School Curriculum Title  Amount
2008ProfMultipleAll SubjectsTeachers As Scholars for Winchester Elementary Teachers$4,500
2010ProfLincolnOtherTeachers As Scholars for Winchester Elementary Teachers$6,750
2011ProfAll primary schoolsOtherTeachers As Scholars for Winchester Elementary Teachers$7,500
2013ProfLincolnOtherTeachers As Scholars for Winchester Elementary Teachers$7,500
2014ProfLincolnOtherTeachers As Scholars for Winchester Elementary Teachers$7,500
2015ProfLincolnOtherTeachers As Scholars for Winchester Elementary Teachers$7,500
2016EduHigh SchoolOtherTeachers as Scholars Grant - WHS and McCall Middle $16,900
2007EduAmbroseTechology deptTeaching Massachusetts Frameworks Using MultiMedia$6,400
2023ProfMultipleSocial studiesTeaching for Democracy: Activating Student Voice & Agency$6,500
2017ProfLincolnReading writingTeaching Reading in Small Groups$5,356
2008ProfMuracoLiteratureTeaching the Art of Storytelling$5,000
2016ProfLincolnOtherTeashers As Scholars for WPS ELementary Teachers$7,700
2010EduMultipleOtherTech4Learning - Tools That Build Essential 21st Century Skills$7,000
2008EduMcCallReadingTechnoBoost: Improving Decoding Fluency Through Computer Aided$725
2011EduMuracoReading writingTechnological Aids for Third Grade at Muraco$1,409
2020EduHigh SchoolMathematicsTechnology in the Mathematics Classroom$2,550
2019EduCHOOSESpecial educationTell Me Program - Core Words$269
2024ProfAmbroseOtherThe Art of Coaching$695
2008EduMcCallEnglish/ScienceThe Better To See You With!$4,400
2021StuHigh SchoolThe Computer and Electronics Club$0
2009ProfMcCallMusicThe Creative Brain$4,875
2016ProfVinson-OwenReading writingThe Daily Five Workshop in New Brunswick, New Jersey (July 30 & $2,660
2009EduHigh SchoolOtherThe Development of Student Leadership at Winchester High School$3,600
2012EduMcCallLiteratureThe Examined Life: Greek Studies in the Schools$2,500
2007ProfVinson-OwenReading writingThe Fifth Annual August Institute on the Teaching of Reading$5,625
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