Year: Type: Curriculum: School:   

Year Type School Curriculum Title  Amount
2018EduMultipleOther Mindful Schools Collaboration$5,000
2017EduLincolnReading writing$3,357
2023EduLynchLiterature “Telling our Stories”$4,225
2014EduHigh SchoolScience Data Collection for Chemical Inquiry in the 21st Century.$3,362
2017EduMuracoOther"Every Little Thing Is Going To Be Alright"$1,450
2009ProfHigh SchoolSocial studies2009 NCSS Annual Conference$2,562
2011ProfHigh SchoolSocial studies2011 National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference$640
2013ProfHigh SchoolOther2013-14 Teachers as Scholars$16,000
2015EduHigh SchoolOther2015-16 Teachers as Scholars Program$16,600
2016ProfMuracoReading writing2016 International Dyslexia Association Conference$0
2019ProfMcCallOther2020 SHAPE America National Convention and Expo $3,000
2023EduMcCallTechology dept21st century maker space$8,971
2010EduHigh SchoolArt21st Century Media Lab$25,000
2008ProfWinchester High SchoolAdolescent Literacy22nd World Congress on Reading$990
2006ProfVinson-OwenReading writing24th Annual July Institute on the Teaching of Writing$3,048
2011ProfMuracoReading writing62nd Annual International Dyslexia Association Conference$2,910
2012EduHigh SchoolReading writing: Assessing the efficacy and the efficiency of possible 1:1 comp$3,250
2019ProfVinson-OwenReading writingA Crash Course for Coaches in the Units of Study in Phonics$3,195
2006EduMcCallLiteratureA Plethora of Poetry$810
2020EduMultipleSpecial educationAcademic Application in the Kitchen$1,035
2013EduLynchSpecial educationAccessing Curriculum Using the IPad$2,215
2013EduHigh SchoolScienceAccuracy with Accelerometers$1,068
2016ProfHigh SchoolMusicACDA National Conference - Minneapolis$1,475
2009EduAmbroseOtherActivboards at Ambrose$3,860
2023EduAmbroseOtherAdapted Physical Education$460
Showing 1 - 25 of 383
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