Year: Type: Curriculum: School:   

Year Type School Curriculum Title Amount 
2022EduHigh SchoolTechology deptEntrepreneurship Grant $2,421
2014ProfLynchReading writingLiteracy for All Conference$2,448
2011EduLynchMusicDrum Circle at Lynch$2,480
2012EduMcCallLiteratureThe Examined Life: Greek Studies in the Schools$2,500
2021ProfHigh SchoolSocial studiesNational Council of Social Studies Annual Conference – Solidar$2,500
2023EduHigh SchoolOtherMary Mattingly Visit and Earth Day Showcase $2,500
2023EduCHOOSEArtWinchester Glassblowing$2,500
2014ProfMcCallSpecial educationATIA Conference What is AT anyway?$2,507
2013EduMcCallSocial studiesHands On History II$2,546
2020EduHigh SchoolMathematicsTechnology in the Mathematics Classroom$2,550
2009ProfHigh SchoolSocial studies2009 NCSS Annual Conference$2,562
2016ProfMcCallTechology deptISTE Conference and Expo 2016 Denver$2,568
2012EduMuracoOtherHelping Hands: A Collaborative Effort to Promote Fine Motor Skil$2,600
2018EduMuracoOtherStanding up for Education$2,600
2011ProfMultipleTechology deptISTE Grant$2,610
2008EduMultipleReading writingJoy of Reading:Award Winning Literature for Our Youth$2,629
2006EduLincolnLiteratureThe Joy of Reading: Award Winning Literature for our Youth$2,632
2009EduMultipleOtherKids on the Block Autism Curriculum & Puppets$2,650
2009ProfHigh SchoolReading writingNational Conference of Teachers of English$2,660
2016ProfVinson-OwenReading writingThe Daily Five Workshop in New Brunswick, New Jersey (July 30 & $2,660
2007EduMultipleLiteratureJoy of Reading:Award Winning Literature for Our Youth$2,691
2010EduVinson-OwenMusicDrum Circle$2,725
2010EduLynchSpecial educationMusic Therapy$2,750
2013EduLincolnScienceLincoln Garden$2,750
2013EduMcCallForeign LanguagesEF International Study Abroad Program:Malaga, Spain$2,750
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