Year: Type: Curriculum: School:   

Year Type School Curriculum Title Amount 
2022EduMcCallOtherOccupational Therapy Life Skills Group$500
2022EduHigh SchoolOtherExcel Reading Program$500
2023EduVinson-OwenReading writingGraphic Novels Mini Unit$500
2023EduAmbroseOtherAdapted Physical Education$460
2019ProfHigh SchoolScienceSupporting Chemistry Students$420
2008EduLynchSocial SkillsSocial Activity Recess Program$411
2008ProfVinson-OwenSpecial educationSensory Intergration Series/Learning Tree$400
2011ProfHigh SchoolOtherTreating the Addictions$382
2011ProfLynchSpecial educationSchool Mental Health Conference$325
2019EduCHOOSESpecial educationTell Me Program - Core Words$269
2018ProfHigh SchoolTechology deptMSLA Conference $265
2009EduLynchMusicSibelius 5 Educational Edition Notation Software in elementary m$249
2017EduMcCallMathematicsMcCall MIddle School Rubik's Cube Club $248
2022StuCHOOSEWHS Tech Crew Spring Musical Equipment$245
2009EduLynchSpecial educationDisability Awareness Book Collection$225
2021EduMcCallOtherMcCall Coding Club Micro:bit Project$175
2023EduHigh SchoolScienceVisualization of Atomic Orbitals$148
2022EduHigh SchoolSpecial educationCalm Strips$120
2012EduLincolnArtWhat's New in Children's Literature and How to Use it in Your Pr$100
2022StuCHOOSEZen Garden Refresh$1
2012EduHigh SchoolLiteratureShakespeare on Demand$0
2012EduAll primary schoolsOtherExpanding Student Learning through Technology$0
2016ProfMuracoReading writing2016 International Dyslexia Association Conference$0
2020StuHigh SchoolProject Grow Your Mind$0
Showing 351 - 375 of 383
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