Year: Type: Curriculum: School:   

Year Type  School Curriculum Title Amount
2019EduHigh SchoolOtherZen Garden of Reflection$3,000
2019EduLynchOtherKindergarten Flexible Seating$763
2019EduCHOOSESpecial educationTell Me Program - Core Words$269
2019EduAmbroseSocial studiesAmbrose Sister School Celebration Week Experience India Sensory $1,018
2019EduLincolnLiteratureDistrict Wide March Book Madness$1,032
2020EduAdminMathematicsMindset Mathematics Workshop with Dr. Jo Boaler$10,450
2019EduMultipleOtherKagan Cooperative Learning for ELs$609
2019EduLynchArtSensory Motor Pathway$1,183
2020EduAmbroseLiteratureOur Story$13,195
2020EduVinson-OwenOtherGross Motor Room$1,204
2020EduHigh SchoolArtGlassblowing Masterclass$4,875
2020EduVinson-OwenArtGlass Explorations inspired by Chihuly$3,100
2020EduMultipleSpecial educationAcademic Application in the Kitchen$1,035
2020EduHigh SchoolMathematicsTechnology in the Mathematics Classroom$2,550
2020EduHigh SchoolScienceWHS Composting Service Learning$3,606
2020EduMcCallForeign LanguagesExpanding Our Walls Beyond McCall School: World Language and Soc$1,540
2021EduAmbroseOtherLeveling Up PBAs: Supporting Student-Driven Media Creation$4,546
2020EduLincolnMathematicsOsmo Genius Kit and Pizza Co$750
2020EduHigh SchoolArtCeramics Pug Mill$2,887
2021EduMcCallOtherMcCall Coding Club Micro:bit Project$175
2021EduHigh SchoolSpecial educationDress for Success!$1,500
2021EduMcCallSocial studiesExpanding Our Walls Beyond McCall School: World Language and Soc$7,860
2021EduCHOOSESpecial educationLet's Play! Core Language Signs for Winchester Playgrounds$8,642
2021EduLynchOtherSensory Motor Pathway Preschool Parkhurst$1,052
2021EduHigh SchoolSocial studiesGlobal Citizenship$2,100
Showing 176 - 200 of 383
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