Year: Type: Curriculum: School:   

Year Type School Curriculum Title Amount 
2012ProfMcCallSocial studiesHistoric China, East and West$1,500
2021EduHigh SchoolSpecial educationDress for Success!$1,500
2006ProfAdminReading writingLeadership Retreat$1,475
2016ProfHigh SchoolMusicACDA National Conference - Minneapolis$1,475
2022EduLincolnLiteratureDiverse Collection $1,471
2017EduLincolnReading writingDaily 5 Bundle$1,462
2006ProfHigh SchoolOtherCommunity Works Summer Institute, Vermont$1,460
2017EduMuracoOther"Every Little Thing Is Going To Be Alright"$1,450
2019ProfLynchOtherWIDA Conference$1,450
2015ProfLynchSpecial educationPECS Level 1 Training Conference$1,435
2017ProfLincolnArtArt of Ed Pro Professional Development Platform or WPS elementar$1,434
2011EduMuracoReading writingTechnological Aids for Third Grade at Muraco$1,409
2014ProfMuracoReading writingMassachusetts Reading Association 35th Annual Conference$1,360
2018EduMcCallScienceFlexible Seating$1,356
2008ProfMcCallArtMetal Workshop$1,350
2009ProfMcCallArtExploration of Color on Metal$1,350
2011EduMcCallSocial studiesDocument Cameras for World Geography$1,350
2020ProfMultipleSpecial educationAdvanced Clinical Practice in Pediatrics Course 2020$1,345
2022ProfMcCallOtherSHAPE America National Convention and Expo 2023$1,345
2018EduMuracoOtherFlexible Classroom$1,342
2018EduMuracoOtherClassroom Audio System$1,335
2008EduLynchSpecial educationFidget Box Fun$1,320
2010EduMultipleOtherWriting is Fun: Building Resources for Elementary ESL Students$1,307
2019ProfMcCallMathematicsNational Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Regional Conference$1,305
2010EduLynchOtherFlip Videos at Lynch$1,297
Showing 251 - 275 of 383
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