Year: Type: Curriculum: School:   

Year Type  School Curriculum Title Amount
2006ProfAdminOtherGrant Coordinator$10,000
2006ProfHigh SchoolOtherCommunity Works Summer Institute, Vermont$1,460
2006ProfAdminReading writingMaking Strides: Reading and Writing Program;$5,500
2009ProfHigh SchoolOtherTeachers as Scholars$15,000
2009ProfAll primary schoolsOtherTeachers As Scholars$4,500
2009ProfLynchReading writingCalkins Home Grown Writing Institute$8,000
2009ProfHigh SchoolReading writingNational Conference of Teachers of English$2,660
2009ProfMcCallMusicThe Creative Brain$4,875
2009ProfHigh SchoolSocial studies2009 NCSS Annual Conference$2,562
2009ProfLincolnArtProject Zero Classroom$2,000
2009ProfMcCallArtExploration of Color on Metal$1,350
2010ProfLincolnOtherTeachers As Scholars for Winchester Elementary Teachers$6,750
2010ProfHigh SchoolSocial studiesNCSS Annual Conference: Dandelion Project Presentation and Servi$2,399
2010ProfAll primary schoolsScienceWomen in Science$2,994
2010ProfAmbroseOtherConfratute 2010$2,390
2010ProfAmbroseScienceLEGOS Robotics: STEM and Art$5,250
2010ProfLynchOtherDeveloping Social Thinking$1,649
2010ProfLincolnSocial studiesColegio Los Ninos de Leonardo y Meredith$500
2010ProfHigh SchoolSpecial educationMeditation and Visualization$600
2010ProfMcCallMusicAmerican Choral Directors National Conference$1,610
2011ProfMcCallArtMetals Fabrication and finishing Workshop$1,640
2011ProfAll primary schoolsOtherTeachers As Scholars for Winchester Elementary Teachers$7,500
2011ProfHigh SchoolSocial studiesNational Council for the Social Studies: Service Learning Presen$2,795
2011ProfMultipleTechology deptISTE Grant$2,610
2011ProfMuracoReading writing62nd Annual International Dyslexia Association Conference$2,910
Showing 251 - 275 of 383
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