Year: Type: Curriculum: School:   

Year Type School  Curriculum Title Amount
2008ProfHigh SchoolReading writingExpanding Professional Learning Communities Program$4,632
2006EduHigh SchoolScienceBringing the High School Science Labs into the 21st Century$11,960
2006ProfHigh SchoolReading writingTeachers as Scholars$14,250
2006ProfHigh SchoolOtherCommunity Works Summer Institute, Vermont$1,460
2009ProfHigh SchoolOtherTeachers as Scholars$15,000
2009EduHigh SchoolOtherThe Development of Student Leadership at Winchester High School$3,600
2009EduHigh SchoolTechology deptElectric Vehicle/Auto Shop$7,500
2009ProfHigh SchoolReading writingNational Conference of Teachers of English$2,660
2009EduHigh SchoolReading writingElectronic Book Readers Across the Curriculum$1,536
2009EduHigh SchoolScienceCapture the motion$755
2009ProfHigh SchoolSocial studies2009 NCSS Annual Conference$2,562
2009EduHigh SchoolLiteratureCost effective alternatives to Smartboard Technologies$500
2010EduHigh SchoolOtherTeachers as Scholars$15,000
2010ProfHigh SchoolSocial studiesNCSS Annual Conference: Dandelion Project Presentation and Servi$2,399
2010EduHigh SchoolScienceStart-up for "Biotechnology and Ethics"$2,335
2010EduHigh SchoolOtherGlobal News Center: Connecting WHS with the world$9,748
2010EduHigh SchoolArt21st Century Media Lab$25,000
2010ProfHigh SchoolSpecial educationMeditation and Visualization$600
2011EduHigh SchoolMusiciPads for Music at WHS$7,810
2011ProfHigh SchoolSocial studiesNational Council for the Social Studies: Service Learning Presen$2,795
2011EduHigh SchoolTechology deptRobotics Club$4,000
2011EduHigh SchoolOtherTeachers as Scholars$15,250
2011EduHigh SchoolScienceBringing Physics Labs into Real Time$9,888
2011ProfHigh SchoolSocial studies2011 National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference$640
2011ProfHigh SchoolOtherSt. Andrews University Counselor Visitation Program$600
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