Year: Type: Curriculum: School:   

Year Type School  Curriculum Title Amount
2008ProfWinchester High SchoolAdolescent Literacy22nd World Congress on Reading$990
2007EduVinson-OwenTechology deptV.O. Research Weather Station$1,190
2007ProfVinson-OwenReading writingThe Fifth Annual August Institute on the Teaching of Reading$5,625
2008EduVinson-OwenMathematicsFinger Food$3,000
2008EduVinson-OwenScienceVO Science Park$5,699
2008ProfVinson-OwenSpecial educationSensory Intergration Series/Learning Tree$400
2006EduVinson-OwenReading writingGlobal Competence in our World$620
2006EduVinson-OwenReading writingProject CRISS for Students: It’s a Brain Thing-Learning How$2,906
2006ProfVinson-OwenReading writing24th Annual July Institute on the Teaching of Writing$3,048
2010EduVinson-OwenArtLearning with Lego Robotics$5,680
2010EduVinson-OwenTechology deptInstant Response Systems$5,200
2010EduVinson-OwenMusicDrum Circle$2,725
2012EduVinson-OwenOtherProject Build VO$3,000
2013ProfVinson-OwenOtherVO Apple PD Grant Proposal$4,500
2014EduVinson-OwenScienceProposal for Butterfly Garden at the Vinson-Owen Elementary Scho$2,015
2015EduVinson-OwenOtherSnowshoeing to Promote Winter Physical Activity$1,595
2016ProfVinson-OwenReading writingFoundational Reading Skills Mini-Institute at TCRWP$2,916
2016ProfVinson-OwenReading writingThe Daily Five Workshop in New Brunswick, New Jersey (July 30 & $2,660
2018ProfVinson-OwenReading writingStructured Word Inquiry Workshop $1,706
2018EduVinson-OwenScienceMaker Space Robotics$2,000
2019ProfVinson-OwenReading writingA Crash Course for Coaches in the Units of Study in Phonics$3,195
2020EduVinson-OwenOtherGross Motor Room$1,204
2020EduVinson-OwenArtGlass Explorations inspired by Chihuly$3,100
2022EduVinson-OwenLiteratureDiversification of Book Club Titles$747
2022EduVinson-OwenOtherCalming Corner $1,000
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