Year: Type: Curriculum: School:   

Year  Type School Curriculum Title Amount
2023StuVinson-OwenStudent Sensory Support$0
2023EduHigh SchoolScienceVisualization of Atomic Orbitals$148
2023EduHigh SchoolScienceEmbedding Biotechnology into WHS Science Curriculum 9-12$59,755
2024ProfHigh SchoolArtTeachers as Scholars$15,625
2024EduLynchSocial studiesLynch Elementary School Mural Project$8,000
2024ProfAmbroseOtherThe Art of Coaching$695
2024EduAll primary schoolsArtCultural District Art Squares$7,500
2024EduHigh SchoolOtherRe-imagining the Library as a Cultural Center $10,000
Showing 376 - 383 of 383
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