Year: Type: Curriculum: School:   

Year Type School Curriculum  Title Amount
2022EduHigh SchoolSpecial educationLearning Center 4 Curriculum - enCore supplemental curriculum$7,421
2023ProfLynchSpecial educationAmerican Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Boston $7,840
2023EduHigh SchoolSpecial educationPACCES Field Trip$2,208
2008EduHigh SchoolSocial studiesDevelopment of Leadership$3,400
2009ProfHigh SchoolSocial studies2009 NCSS Annual Conference$2,562
2010EduMcCallSocial studiesHands on History$1,228
2010ProfHigh SchoolSocial studiesNCSS Annual Conference: Dandelion Project Presentation and Servi$2,399
2010ProfLincolnSocial studiesColegio Los Ninos de Leonardo y Meredith$500
2011EduMcCallSocial studiesDocument Cameras for World Geography$1,350
2011EduMcCallSocial studiesArt Partnerships in the Geography and English Classrooms$3,900
2011ProfHigh SchoolSocial studiesNational Council for the Social Studies: Service Learning Presen$2,795
2011ProfHigh SchoolSocial studies2011 National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference$640
2012ProfMcCallSocial studiesHistoric China, East and West$1,500
2013EduMcCallSocial studiesHands On History II$2,546
2014EduMcCallSocial studiesMcCall Geography Night$3,500
2014ProfMcCallSocial studiesFacing History: Immigration in a Changing World$4,500
2018ProfHigh SchoolSocial studiesProject Zero Classroom 2018$3,445
2019ProfMultipleSocial studiesNational Council for the Social Studies Conference (NCSS)$1,122
2019EduHigh SchoolSocial studiesTake Space$540
2019EduAmbroseSocial studiesAmbrose Sister School Celebration Week Experience India Sensory $1,018
2021EduMcCallSocial studiesExpanding Our Walls Beyond McCall School: World Language and Soc$7,860
2021EduHigh SchoolSocial studiesGlobal Citizenship$2,100
2021ProfHigh SchoolSocial studiesNational Council of Social Studies Annual Conference – Solidar$2,500
2022ProfHigh SchoolSocial studiesData Analysis Professional Development$635
2023ProfMultipleSocial studiesTeaching for Democracy: Activating Student Voice & Agency$6,500
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