Year: Type: Curriculum: School:   

Year Type  School Curriculum Title Amount
2010ProfMcCallMusicAmerican Choral Directors National Conference$1,610
2011ProfMcCallArtMetals Fabrication and finishing Workshop$1,640
2011ProfAll primary schoolsOtherTeachers As Scholars for Winchester Elementary Teachers$7,500
2011ProfHigh SchoolSocial studiesNational Council for the Social Studies: Service Learning Presen$2,795
2011ProfMultipleTechology deptISTE Grant$2,610
2011ProfMuracoReading writing62nd Annual International Dyslexia Association Conference$2,910
2011ProfLynchReading writingBrain Frames: Tools to Support Reading Comprehension,$7,700
2011ProfHigh SchoolSocial studies2011 National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference$640
2011ProfLynchSpecial educationSchool Mental Health Conference$325
2011ProfHigh SchoolOtherSt. Andrews University Counselor Visitation Program$600
2011ProfHigh SchoolArtCreating Flash Games$1,980
2011ProfMcCallSpecial educationNASP 2012 Annual Convention: "Advocating for the Emotional Well-$938
2011ProfHigh SchoolOtherTreating the Addictions$382
2011ProfLynchMusicAmerican Choral Directors Association Eastern Division Conventio$500
2012ProfMcCallSocial studiesHistoric China, East and West$1,500
2012ProfAll primary schoolsTechology deptBuilding Learning Communities 2012$2,235
2012ProfHigh SchoolSpecial educationThe Institute: Current Scholarship in Brain and Mind Reseach: th$900
2012ProfHigh SchoolOtherSchool Mental Health: Treating Students K-12$718
2012ProfMcCallOtherEating Disorders$718
2012ProfMuracoReading writingMassachusetts Reading Association – 44th Annual Conference$3,200
2012ProfMuracoScienceEngineering is Elementary$3,014
2012ProfMcCallMusicAmerican Choral Directors Assoc. - National Conference$1,050
2013ProfLincolnOtherTeachers As Scholars for Winchester Elementary Teachers$7,500
2013ProfHigh SchoolOther2013-14 Teachers as Scholars$16,000
2013ProfLincolnOtherWhat's New In Fifth Grade Seminar$1,010
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